An unconventional "before and after"

University researchers told me that our four roses extract could be useful for healing and regenerating the skin.
To see if it was true, I was looking for a completely reliable person to make sure she/he was not using other products. Then, I finally found it: my father 🙂
While gardening, Daddy, an elderly 85-year-old gentleman, had got small wounds in his arm that could hardly heal. Furthermore, the skin was very dry and thin.
What better opportunity to test our Rose Elixir that contains a very high percentage of extract?
But Daddy did not want to use it, he said that “It’s a women’s thing” and did not want to try.
After many negotiations, saying “Okay, I only do it to please you”, we have reached a compromise, he would have used it only in the evening, so he would not have smell too much, as he said, “the smell of roses”
I left the little bottle and I did not think about it anymore.
After four days, while we were chatting at the table, he told me in Genovese “U funsiunna”, that is “It works”, but I did not understand what he meant. “What works? “” The oil that smells of roses, the one you gave me ” “But…. Really? Have you already seen any improvement? “” Pretty much! Look!”
I myself was amazed, I thought that before seeing any difference it would have taken more than a week, but, actually, in 4 days the skin had completely reformed and was visibly more hydrated and toned.
The researchers were right!
And Daddy, after finishing the little bottle, asked me “… maybe you still have a bit to give me?” Smiling I thought: “I would say yes, a barrel … ..”